Our mission is to honor the life of Payton Alexander. Embracing her strength and spirit by giving back to her community, helping children and young adults battling cancer, while also funding research for Ewing’s Sarcoma.
About Payton:
Payton was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in January of 2018 at the age of 15. She fought almost a four year battle of harsh treatments and side effects of those treatments before she passed away on November 4th, 2021.
Payton grew up in New Berlin, Wisconsin and was a 2020 graduate from New Berlin West High School. In high school, she was involved in basketball, golf, photography and maintained a 4.0 GPA while battling cancer. She was attending UW-River Falls in a pursuit of Applied Science Degree in Companion Animals.
Payton never wanted cancer to define who she was. She never complained to anyone the amount of pain she would be in or how miserable she was feeling from the harsh treatments she endured.
She just loved hanging out with her family and friends, fishing, playing golf, music, watching the Milwaukee Brewers, her two dogs Nelli and Hailey and had a passion for watching the sky - beautiful sunsets and the amazing night sky.
Payton loved to help others! She volunteered as Program Aide and Counselor-In-Training for Girl Scout camp every year and she had become an advocate for pediatric and young adult cancer. She became involved with many organizations that support and help with childhood cancer including Little Warrior Foundation, Ronald McDonald House and Make a Wish. These organizations became an important part of Payton’s life and she was so proud and willing to help out in any way she could.
Payton’s Journey
The day our world changed, was a fight no adolescent should ever have to endure. Payton’s Journey is why we started this foundation. She fought a courageous fight and never wanted to have cancer define her. She focused on others and helping them as she fought her own battle.
Changing the world is possible!
Every donation, no matter what the size, helps make a difference.

Cancer does not define you, your strength and courage does!